sábado, 5 de julio de 2014


In June 2000, Tejo was declared Colombian National Sport by the Congress. Tejo is a modern version of the ancient Muiscas turmequé, the original game, was practiced by pre-Hispanic inhabitants cundiboyacense plateau for more than 500 years ago, who throwing a gold disc called "zepguagoscua" about 680 grams, which was replaced by a stone disc and now one of metal of the same weight.

GAME INSTRUCTIONS The idea of the game is to throw the disc and place in a metal circle in which the wicks are placed, winning the game that completes first 27 points, busting as many wicks, introducing the disc in a metal circle, grabbing some hands. There are individual and team competitions. The score is agreed by the team, although in most places is quantified as follows:
Hand: Gives 1 point to that Tejo that is closest at the end of a round.
Hit: Gives 3 points to every player that explodes a wick.
Bullseye: Gives 6 points to that player whose tejo has impacted inside the target.
Strike: Gives 9 points to that player that has a hit and a bullseye in the same throw.

The player with the hand or who make the first wick, hit and a bullseye, starts first in the next round.


It is a well-known variety Pony, its only difference is that the field, and the disc are smaller. The field is about 7 feet long, and your score is the same as in Tejo.

It is a new variety of Tejo, which eliminates the use of gunpowder and mud. Scores are recorded on an electronic board team.

The Colombian Federation of Tejo together various leagues, that support the various clubs, and promotes the celebration of local, national and international competitions. The beer industry is the main sponsor of this popular discipline, attracting men and women. Political reputable played it. Ecuador and Venezuela are Colombians rivals champions. Regulation and disclosure of Turmequé, or Tejo, is in charge of the Colombian Institute of Youth and Sport, State entity. Tejo has reached several countries in South America and Europe. For example, in Venezuela is practiced over 20 years in professional competitions.


This large, working-class bar east of the center has Tejo courts, as well as toad court (throwing metal discs into holes in a wooden target box) and billiards. A taxi here will cost around COP$10,000.
Los Amigos Club information Address: Street 49 No 8A-23
Telephone: +57 2 442 1258

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